Publiée le jeudi 18 janvier
Publiée le mercredi 17 janvier
Last year, when I turned 40, I did something you might think is a little predictable: I bought a motorcycle with the intent of taking it off road to cross the entire Australian land mass from west to east. That first attempt was a big fail (that is not the subject of this article!), but I got back on the steel horse and this month returned from an epic adventure with some close mates that took me from Darwin to Sydney, avoiding tarmac almost the entire way. A total of 6,030 kilometers in 13 days. |
Publiée le mardi 16 janvier
In the past few years, we have seen digitization bring its first benefits to the industrial sector, particularly in processing and manufacturing, yet enormous untapped potential remains. Digital capabilities such as e-commerce platforms can significantly improve traditional customer-supplier experiences. Additional advances in automation, big data and analytics, and the Internet of Things create additional opportunities for substantial gains along the entire industry value chain. |
Publiée le mardi 16 janvier
La stratégie de la bienveillance fascine par sa clarté, sa simplicité et son universalité. Elle s'impose ainsi comme une approche (re)fondatrice de la relation à l'autre, avec une telle évidence qu'elle touche indubitablement à des points essentiels de la constitution de la relation avec autrui et des moteurs de la coopération. Plus qu'un décodage de l'ADN de la relation, la stratégie de la bienveillance balise le terrain de la coopération avec des règles simples, applicables (sans être forcément simples à appliquer en toute circonstance !) pour lui permettre de porter ses fruits et de les distribuer de manière équilibrée, acceptable par chacun.
Publiée le lundi 15 janvier
What do my customers want? The savviest executives are asking this question more frequently than ever, and rightly so. Leading companies understand that they are in the customer-experience business, and they understand that how an organization delivers for customers is beginning to be as important as what it delivers. |
As it turns out, most companies did a solid job of addressing their employees’ basic needs of safety, stability, and security during the first phase of the COVID-19 crisis. However, those needs are evolving, calling for a more sophisticated approach as organizations enter the next phase.
The return phase presents an opportunity for companies to rethink the employee experience in ways that respect individual differences—home lives, skills and capabilities, mindsets, personal characteristics, and other factors—while also adapting to rapidly changing circumstances. The good news is that with advances in listening techniques, behavioral science, advanced analytics, two-way communication channels, and other technologies, leaders can now address employee experience in a more targeted and dynamic way. While drilling down on which employees need more and varied types of support, they can also tailor actions that create widely shared feelings of well-being and cohesion across the workforce.